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Infrared laser level using method!


      Infrared level instrument is used to reflect on various types of machine tools and other mechanical equipment, not straightness, the parallelism of the absolute position of the device as well as the degree of equipment and equipment vertical position of the instrument. So, how to use it with the infrared instrument, the above small series to us about the use of infrared instrument. Infrared instrument how to use the infrared instrument to analyze the degree of Ordinary frame-type instrument dimensions of 200 × 200mm, accuracy of 0.02 / 1000. The graduation value of the graduation meter is the inclination of the graduation when the cell is in motion, in seconds or millimeters per meter. The graduation value is also called reading accuracy or activity. If the level of instrument settled in the 1 meter long flat feet on the surface, the right pad 0.02 mm height, flat feet tilt angle of 4 seconds, at this time the bubble interval of activity just a scale. Contest controversy is as follows: Degree instrument with flat foot tilt angle α size can be obtained from the following formula: By tgα = = = 0.00002 then α = 4 seconds From the above equation we can see the 0.02 / 1000 precision box type instrument bubble Activity of a scale, the tilt angle is equal to 4 seconds, then left from 200mm (equivalent to one side of the degree of scale), the contest controversy flat feet above the height H1 is: tgα = = 0.00002 H1 = tgα × L1 = 0.00002 × 200 = 0.004 (mm) It can be seen from the above formula, the actual value of the degree of bubble instrument transformation degree and the degree of use of horn length. Assuming the degree of instrument on the 500mm long horn on the measurement of machine tool rails, then the degree of the instrument bubble 1 activity per cell, the horn height difference is 0.01mm. In addition, the actual value of the degree of change is also related to the reading accuracy. The degree of laser instrument, the use of degree instrument, it is bound to pay attention to the length of the horn, reading accuracy and the use of air bubbles when the performance of a grid revealed the real value.
      It is learned that the degree of bubble activity after a grid of values, is based on the length of the horn to resolution. The reading of the instrument should be zero in accordance with its end point. Bubble activity in a cell count of 1, then the activity of a cell count of 2, in order to stop the cumulative. In the practice of the initial consumption of the guide rail processing, no degree of laser theory using grinding, fine grinding is still hand scraping research, a small number of rails are pure convex or pure concave form, linearity of the machine tool guide curve is rare (Before processing the guide rail will have a curved view). When measuring the guide rail, the bubble of the level meter is generally in accordance with a biased movement, and the convexity and concavity of the guide rail of the machine tool is determined by the deviation of the degree instrument and the biased tendency of the bubble. The degree of movement of the device bias and bubble activity in the opposite direction, was convex, with the symbol "+" revealed performance. The degree of movement of the device bias and bubble.

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